The Witch of the Cage (Official)Chapter 42
Drama Supernatural Yuri

A hidden murderer lives in a seemingly quiet and peaceful magical town. When the two girls arrived in this town, they thought they could learn magic happily until they became terrified. Who is the murderer who has been traversing the magical and mortal realms…? How will the two girls’ love and hatred be balanced? Welcome to another Shoujo-Ai thriller series involving magic.

The Witch of the CageChapter 42

A seemingly quiet and peaceful magical town lives a hidden murderer. When the two girls came to this town, they thought they could try to learn magic happily until they fell into fear. Who is that murderer who has been traveling through the magic realm and the mortal realm...? How will the love and hatred between the two girls balance out? Welcome to another Shoujo-Ai thriller series with magic involved~